Honeymoon: Part 2

We admit that our first first accomation was not really good for a newly couple, even my aunties said so. They recommended us to go to Berjaya Resort. But first thing in the morning we had breakfast at the food court. The location exactly at the entrance of the island.

Miss suasana kampung-we headed to the food courts.

We had karipap and roti canai that morning.
Old makcik tebar roti canai, sedap pulak tu. And of cause tea tarik.

Berjaya Resort is quite far, so to go by walk could be tiring. Got few options to get there: coaches, motorbike or van. Disebabkan waktu tengahari, susah sikit nak cari transport. At last we asked two kids, a boy and a girl, to take us to the resort. We paid RM10 je. Kesian jugak tengok adik2 tu bawak motor, sebab naik bukit.

Tunggu van-panas waktu tengahari

Finally we got there. The area is good, clean, patutla mahal dan ramai org recommend. After check in, we just walked around the resort. The resort was expansive to me, RM350 pernite. Mahal. Tapi sebab nak merasa, and dah nama pun honeymoon, pejam matala.

Me 2 years ago-sangat kurus.

One of the room resort design

We got complimentary drinks after we checked-in. We headed to the restaurant.


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