Against animal testing

Do we know,
when we put shampoo on our hair, we clean our with soup, our eyes do not burn!
when we put mascara on, our eyes do not itchy
Because most of these product did test on animal first before the product release to consumers.

We all have favorite perfume,
when we spray on our body our skin do not reacts
and the perfume does not disturb our respiratory system when we inhale them,
It is because the perfume already tested on animal,

When i checked all my cosmetic brand, I found no label saying 'not tested on animal'. Meaning that I used all products that tested on animal. I feel sorry and guilty.

I make up my mind, that I will slowly ignore the products that use animal testing.
I urge everyone and myself, if we have little money, why not buying product that against animal testing. This product maybe little bit pricey but we feel better.

Watch videos in PETA website and you will see how bad the animals are treated.


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