House Hunting

Finally, without expected, we will move out and me definitely go back to where I started. Wellington Rd!. Yeah, we have some issues with house, and i guess its good time to move out.
Two days ago, when I was at CC, i found an ad from Bill, so Nini gave him a call, and we arranged time to inspect the unit. The unit is better than before, new kitchen, new bathroom tile, clean carpet. When Bill asked us for how long we gonna live?Less than 6months, he had second thought, as someone else had been asking about the unit too, he said he will call us back. On the way to home, he called us again say we take the unit. Nini negotiated about the rent and we went back to Bill and gave him little money to secure the unit. The unit will be emptied from July 1, most probably we'll move out next weekend. We are so happy, even though it is small, but it ours, will be no more issues, we can control our expenses, bills and etc. New life will begin sooon ;-)


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