Prepare for teaching

I feel so nervous to teach next semester. The commitee gave me 2 subjects to teach 1. Static and dinamic 2. Mechanics in Material. Both are fundamental in Structural Engineering. Luckly, i will share the subject with other senior lecturers, at least I have mentors.

Today we had a one day workshop on improving student understanding towards the subjects. We have so many branch in civil eng, for example, highway, project management, water and soil study, and structural eng. According to students performance analysis, it was found that subjects in struct eng contributed to the low grade in exam. I admit it. Because when I was student I did not like this subject. I gained my understanding when I was in Australia, did my own research and looked at the other people work.

I shared my teaching experience as a tutor in australia to my colleague. Happy with their respond on my experience. I need to learn a lot. Those senior lecturers are very knowledgeble. They can create questions on the spot. If me, mmmm will take 10 years to do so. I will try my best to deliver and I know first and second year gonna be tough for me. Experience, trial and mistakes will make me a better person. I remember one quote 'The second creator after God is a structural engineer'. Sound good but whatever it is, i love cosmeticsss!!!


  1. Go for it S.A:) You can do it! Trust yourself and everything will be just fine:)All the best in your career:) Yeah we Love cosmetics!

  2. Thank youAimiee for your wish xoxo


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