New Rida :)

Rida dah masuk 5 bulan pada 12/11, me and my husband decided to shave her head. To others may think it is too late, but we did it on purpose, first we scared to shave her head and second we wanted to wait after my brother's weeding (how much I wanted to write about his weeding things but I was really busy).

So, yesterday we started to shave Rida's head we did it yesterday's afternoon before her shower. Before that we went out to buy shaver. Lady's shaver lagi brand Gillete hehe agak mahal around RM30 sebab my husband tak confident to use normal shaver. We thought we could finish shaving in 1-2 hours but Rida was not in good mood after sometimes. I undressed her, she thought mandi time (her fav time) but then she may wondering whyyy papa did someting on my head so long. After 30 minutes or so, she started felt uncomfortable. Her head was half shaved.

My husband called his mother telling that we shaving Rida's hair. His mom told not to do it separuh separuh, must shave habis at one time, else the hair will grow tak rata. Malam tu kami shave lagi Rida hari, kali ni tinggal rambut depan sahaja, Rida meraung-raung, tak selesa kot.

We know Rida wake up late biasanya pagi, so before she woke up, my husband finished up the shaving job. Alhamdulilah time tu Rida tidur nyenyak dan boleh shave dengan sempurna.

I always ingat kalau Rida dah takde rambut mesti kurang cun, perempuan should have hair, tapi I salah. She looking so cute walaupun botak. 


  1. Comel.tak nampak mcm boy pun..memang teramat susah nak gunting rambut bby ni..pasni sy pun plan nak botakkan rissa.hehe..

    1. Dah botakan Rissa? kalau tunggu lama-lama lagi susah nak botakkan. Kalau tau dulu, kita bottakkan Rida masa umur 2-3 bulan.


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