The story of the envelopes

Envelopes to fill the result of HIV blood test! We never knew we had to have this envelope before going to blood test. Conversation with the nurse at the kaunter Parit Raja;

Nurse: Mana envelope?
Me: Envelope apa kak?
Nurse: Envelope untuk isi keputusan blood test.

Me and nini wondering, we had no idea what this lady was talking about.

Me: Saya tak tau la kak, saya tak dapat pun envelope tu, mcm mana rupa dia.
Nurse: Dia kaler biru.
Me: Akak, boleh tak saya beli je apa2 envelope untuk ganti.
Nurse: Tak boleh, kena envelope ni jugak.

Sudah! Ok then I call my father. So funny, my father had no idea at all. Yelah time diorg kawin dengan time sekarang mana ada cek2 darah ni.

I tried to think hard, macam terperasan envelope biru ni, tp rasa aku wat conteng2 orang. Adakah yg itu? Call mak lagi utk cek kan. Yeahh thats it.
Abah had to come to parit raja untuk bagi kami envelope tu.

Sampul surat je, tu pun nak kecoh, agak2 kalau takde ni mesti tak boleh kawin. Semua orang kata results akan keluar 2-3minggu. No way! Am getting married next week, time tu ada 6 days more. Nasib nurse yg cek darah baik hati. Dia kesian, lagi 1 dia mcm excited aku study overseas, kawin plak ngan org bukan melayu. Dia bg result on the dot.

We were so happy for this, as we thought this was the only thing we had to do to be able to get married.


  1. skrg dah xboleh dapat result on the day.kena tunggu 3-4 minggu


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