Hari Raya 2020

I come back after few years i left this blog. What make me come back is because of Blacky. I never thought I missed Blacky this much, and I blogged about him a lot too, especially when we were in Australia. He has not come back since 2 Syawal 2020, and everyday I miss him. 

This year Raya is very different from normal Raya, because of COVID-19. We only allowed to be with family on first day Hari Raya. Luckily we stayed with Atuk and Nenek. Odin and Mamat managed to visit us too. 

Since we are in PKPB (perintah kawalan pergerakkan bersyarat), we have to obey the rule. I think its okey because we have to be together fight to Covid-19. 

Alhamdullah, I'm blessed with husband and my two beautiful daughters around me.


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