Favourite Motivator

These days I like to listen to IKIM radio. One of the program that I like to listen is 'Islam itu indah' by Prof Dr Muhaya. First time I listened to her when I was driving my brother's car, and it was automatically set with IKIM channel. Honestly, I did not like to hear people too much talking on the radio, I just like music music music, or hear some jokes. But that day, I did not know why, I let the program on and accompanied me to the uni.

Many people called her during the program. I was wondering why people asked her about eyes while it was a motivation program. Then I knew, Dr. Muhaya is a eye surgeon, and she also give speech to people. That inspire me. Normally we hear motivation is given by counsellor, which I feel sometimes bored and because i know their work is to motivate people. When Dr. Muhaya give talk, i feel like to hear more and more, because she relates everything with our everyday life. I slowly fallen in love with her talking, her voice is so soft and what she deliver touches my heart.

She said everyday or every time we want to do to something, ask our self
'Adakah saya buat ini untuk mencari penghargaan manusia atau keredhaan Allah. Kalau kita buat sesuatu untuk mencari penghargaan manusia, kita akan rasa stress' Betul kan?

All of these things i pointed to myself. Why I feel extremely stressful? Because I;m scared I can't perform, because i afraid people may think I'm stupid. Should see the positive side in every aspect in my life. Why God give me difficulties? If i',m ok all the time, i will not understand how hard to be in difficulties. Walaupun susah itu subjective tapi perasaannya tetap sama. Selagi hidup dan boleh bernafas, selagi tu jangan berputus asa, sebab titik nohtah akhir kita semua ialah bila kita dah mati.


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